Fox (n): carnivore of genus vulpes; crafty person; scavenger; (vb) to confuse; -ed (adj): to be drunk.
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Saturday, 11 June 2011

Letters to Lillys.

THE week kicked off with more on the Cheryl Tweedy sacked/not sacked/do we care? story, which is as good a reason as any to re-use the picture of her assault victim Sophie Amogbokpa.

Whoops, I've done it again.

Anyway the post produced much mirth. Niamh said: "She really gave her a good clattering didn't she! Had forgotten how nasty that incident was. Right as always Lillys!" Colin added he liked it "so much so that I clicked on an ad for 'Rock Salt Suppliers' four times by way of thanks."

And Anthony said: "A very succinct submission indeed re the ghastly Cheryl Cole creature. I commend it to the jury... I didn't realise it was quite that horrendous. Yuk."

Thuggy Ms Tweedy was swiftly replaced by the navel-gazing Sarah Ferguson, who had told US TV shrink Dr Phil that her mother had beaten her and daddy had sold her pony.

Helen said: "Spot on. Bravo!" Meanwhile Annette sympathised with Fergie's family: "I think it's very sad that she has accused her dead parents of physical and emotional abuse when neither is able to counter her allegations."

This post on Lady Gaga's latest outlandish public appearance split opinion, with some praising her talents while others despaired of them.

Brian wrote:
"In general, I can't say I dislike what she's doing. It's 21st century cabaret. And a million miles away from Cheryl Fuckin' Cole. No doubt she'll resign her position at the dressing up box at some point in the future, and someone else will be there to fill her extremely tall shoes."
But Lucy believed: "She's the same as Cheryl Cole - anything to get ahead and get in the papers, despite obvious mediocrity."

But easily the biggest postbag of the week was for Thursday's piece on feminism, the Slutwalk and Playboy bunnies.

Helly said: "I think I'm falling in some kind of love with you. You're the first to arouse these feelings in me, but emphatic nodding along to your posts no longer suffices."

RealNick said: "Enjoyed reading your blog - I could relate to what you said about gran and mother - shades of my family." And Dwiddick added: "That nearly made me cheer out loud. And I'm a bloke! Good stuff. Time for a book deal?" Ceee said: "Your latest blog brought a tear to the eye. Fantastic work as always."

Aaron said:
"I consider myself a (male) feminist and have for years tried to articulate what your blog post says but I don't have the wit or invention... I will be doing my best to make sure that my little girls have the cojones in their adulthood to do what THEY want. Certainly regardless of parental preference or peer pressure. Is that not the true definition of feminism?"
A few took exception. Owen said: "Rather ruined the (very good) point that all women are not the same by saying that they are all the same at the end."

Martin wrote at length about how men do much harder jobs than women - soldiering, building, and so on - and believed men were treated worse on the NHS than women, didn't get free drinks in nightclubs, and that it's "men who build society, the hospital, the school" and wanted to know why more women weren't bomb disposal experts.

He said: "Feminists seen to have a very odd view of equality, they seem to want equal representation in everything but not that which involves dirt, death or long hours. Not being anti girlie or anti Foxy, just putting the other side."

Ed: Can't remember the last time I had a free drink in a nightclub, and I'm not sure but I think women aren't allowed to be bomb disposal experts because it's front-line soldiering which, technically, is still verboten in the UK. EDIT: This link shows both me and Martin are wrong.

And NickTheIdiot added:
"'I'm a girl and I'm nails'. You are such a loser! As much as I enjoy reading your stuff, you really do talk nonsense. Take that chip off your shoulder, Miss Miles. Tit! Actually rather enjoyed it, even though it was nonsense. Good luck anyway - someone surely must be stupid enough to indulge your talents and give you a poxy book deal."
Ed: Charmed.

On a nicer note Jennifer said:
"I just discovered you - so I'm loving reading all your old blogs! I just read your piece from 26th May, regarding divorce in Malta, and just thought I'd give you a wee push in our direction.  I'm from Belfast, NI and I'm not sure if you're aware that women in this part of the United Kingdom are banned from having abortions.  This means we have to travel to England and pay for the termination ourselves, as well as accommodation etc. This isn't part of any political cause on my behalf, but just a personal plea, we deserve to have the right to choose, and this is something that surely needs to be highlighted."
Ed: Next time it's in the news, promise.

And Howard put finger to keyboard to say:
"Last time I said you were top of my blogs pushing Guido and John Redwood down the order. After reading your recent posts - got to say - things have improved and you're the 'Barcelona of Blogs' - in other words, nobody gets even close to you. Great stuff - even my wife and daughters are hooked. Onwards!"
Which is nice.

Have a good weekend, y'all.

Foxy out.