Fox (n): carnivore of genus vulpes; crafty person; scavenger; (vb) to confuse; -ed (adj): to be drunk.
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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Theresa May's career is about to expire...

When the leader of a country is forced to deny reports that they are a tortoise, it is safe to assume they are no longer being taken seriously.
Yesterday Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also had to deny she was a car, a bird, a quitter or that she still had literally no idea what Brexit meant. Read on...

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Piers Morgan's interview with Donald Trump in Davos...

... and how it might go is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.

Sadly, it's probably not that far off.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Presidents Club scandal...

If there's one truly surprising thing about the Presidents Club dinner, it's not that a few mega-rich middle-aged men behaved like Donald Trump on a bender in Vegas.
It's that despite the free-flowing booze, the charity auction for plastic surgery to "spice up your wife", and the chance to ply naive young women with booze while putting a hand up their skirt, so MANY men left early... Read on

Friday, 19 January 2018

The Boris Bridge and how it would actually work...

So what Boris is ACTUALLY suggesting is grinding the White Cliffs into cement, filling the Channel Tunnel with concrete, using that as the foundation for a bridge twice as high as Nelson's Column with another 2 or 3 Nelson's Columns below the waves, and binning off a shipping industry worth £14bn in turnover and £2bn in tax revenues in return for a bridge that would, in all likelihood, make any country go bust.

Read on...

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The Bayeux Tapestry is on loan to Britain...

... and perhaps its message might just be able to reverse Brexit. So what might these 7 other great works of European art be able to achieve? Read on...

Monday, 15 January 2018

The real reasons for the collapse of Carillion...

Carillion failed after the Tories repeatedly ignored the warnings - and every step the Government took to pretend it wasn't happening can be found in today's column for the Daily Mirror, which you can read here.

Clowns, the lot of them.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Theresa May's grand environmental plan...

... and why it's bats*** is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.

I only wish it was a joke.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

David Davis and the Brexit negotiations...

Welcome to a bright and shiny New Year! New hope! New starts! New and interesting ways in which enemies of the people are treasonously derailing Brexit!
I wish I were talking about the Labour Party, but no. It appears the Tories are greeting 2018 by redoubling their electorally suicidal efforts to enforce Brexit by screwing it sideways. Read on...

Monday, 8 January 2018

Theresa May's first cabinet reshuffle...

... and the inside story of just how bad it could be is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.

*sighs resignedly*

Friday, 5 January 2018

Rapist John Worboys was released from prison...

... and it wasn't because of Keir Starmer, no matter how much you hate him or Labour or his work as Shadow Brexit Secretary.

The people who ARE to blame can be discovered by reading today's Daily Mirror column which you can find here.