... and why his paisley-patterned impropriety is a matter of public interest are the topics of today's column for the Daily Mirror and you can read it here.
Go on, you know you want to.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Friday, 19 September 2014
Scotland, devolution...
... and why we need to stick together and make our politicians work properly is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
And no, you can't have a recount.
And no, you can't have a recount.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The Scotland referendum...
... and the questions no-one seems able to answer without saying "unicorns" is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
*puts tin Tam O'Shanter on*
*puts tin Tam O'Shanter on*
Friday, 12 September 2014
Oscar Pistorius...
... and why it's probably time we stopped giving guns to people is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
Sleep safe, y'all.
Sleep safe, y'all.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
The Scottish Referendum...
... and why it's a really bad idea to vote at all, but if you have to you probably ought to vote No, is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
*puts tartan helmet on*
*puts tartan helmet on*
Monday, 8 September 2014
The news about a second Royal Baby...
... and why White Dee would make a better Queen than Kate Middleton is the topic of today's Daily Mirror column which you can be massively offended by here.
What use would an MBE be, any road?
What use would an MBE be, any road?
Friday, 5 September 2014
Jihadi John...
... and why Britain ought to welcome him and his chums home with open arms is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can be horrified by right here.
La la la la, I can't hear you, la la la.
La la la la, I can't hear you, la la la.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Tony Blair being named Philanthropist of the Year...
... and just how much of an outrage that seems is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
Cybernats won't like it one bit.
*hums Scotland the Brave*
Cybernats won't like it one bit.
*hums Scotland the Brave*
Monday, 1 September 2014
The hacked photos of Jennifer Lawrence...
... and how women can avoid "asking for" this sort of treatment is the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.
Then you will need a large jar and a black cloth.
Then you will need a large jar and a black cloth.