Fox (n): carnivore of genus vulpes; crafty person; scavenger; (vb) to confuse; -ed (adj): to be drunk.
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Thursday 21 December 2017

Damian Green's resignation...

... and the unanswered questions he has left behind him are the topic of today's, and this year's final, column for the Daily Mirror which as usual you can read by enclicking here.

Have a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year, folks! See you on the other side.

Monday 18 December 2017

My Christmas survival guide...

... and the 7 things you need to know to stay sane are the topic of today's column for the Daily Mirror which you can read here.

And trust me on the Yorkshires. They're lovely, but not with Christmas dinner, and they take up too much stomach room.

Friday 15 December 2017

Meghan Markle's Christmas at Sandringham...

Picture the scene: the drawing room at Sandringham, a new group of eccentric in-laws, and an unwelcome, broiling heat in your lower intestine.
Because this year Meghan's digestive tract will be introduced to Brussels sprouts, and my oh my but is she going to parp. Read on...

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Theresa May's inquiry into Damian Green and Mark Garnier...

The best thing about a woman in power should be that power stops being used to abuse women.
So it's a damned shame that Theresa May sees no reason to fulfil the reasonable expectations of the 52% of voters who thought she'd make a difference... Read on

Monday 11 December 2017

Dabbie McGee on Strictly Come Dancing...

The sad truth about the ritual humiliations of reality shows like I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here is that winning them is usually the last thing you want to do.

Unless you're Debbie McGee, the most life-affirming finalist Strictly's ever had... Read on

Monday 4 December 2017

Brexit and the Irish border...

This isn't Brexit, whatever they tell you. It's just a very expensive way of Remaining.

Read today's column for the Daily Mirror here...