Fox (n): carnivore of genus vulpes; crafty person; scavenger; (vb) to confuse; -ed (adj): to be drunk.
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"READING Diaries of a Fleet Street Fox was like watching my first episode of Dr Who – through parted fingers with my mouth wide open... I really didn’t want to see what was going to happen next, but couldn’t stop looking."

I have written three books, one a novel, two factual, and all of them (hopefully) fun to read.

The Diaries of a Fleet Street Fox is the story of how to fix a broken heart while poking your nose into other people's business. It tells the truth about my trade: all the private scandals, victories and disasters that don't end up on the front page.

You can buy it in paperback from Amazon here, in ebook format for Kindle here, from Kobo here, and from Nook here or the iBookstore here.

The Bluffer's Guide to Social Media is the perfect gift for someone who needs to be an expert, fast, on 21st century communication, figure out the difference between a tweet and a dweet, and find the best way to handle trolls. Comedian Rufus Hound said: "If social media has you running around like a headless chicken, you need a fox, and vixens don’t come much sharper, funnier or more acerbic than La Boniface."

You can buy it here.

The Bluffer's Guide to Journalism will help anyone survive in the most venal, duplicitous and thoroughly gratifying job on Earth. Never again confuse superheroes and superinjunctions, or a deep throat with a splash and a spread. Labour Party deputy leader and anti-phone hacking campaigner Tom Watson MP said: "Funny, irreverent and appalling at the same time. No wonder trust in journalism is so low." Piers Morgan said he "thoroughly enjoyed" it and Al Murray added: "Some of it is even funny."

And you can buy it here.

You can also order all three in paperback online from Waterstone's, Foyles, Sainsbury's or WHSmith, or pop into one of their shops. If they're not on display, ask and they can order you a copy.